Review Procedure
Before submission for publication, all refereed publications will be reviewed internally according to the following procedure:
- On receipt of the manuscript from the author the publications committee will evaluate its suitability for publication and have it reviewed by one or two subject editors. The manuscript will also be referred for language editing and writing style by the editorial board.
- The author will revise the manuscript, incorporating the reviewer’s and Editorial Board comments where necessary, and submit two copies of the revised manuscript to the publications committee.
- The publications committee will forward the resubmitted article to the Editorial Board.
- The Editorial Board will assign a peer reviewer who will review and send back to the Editorial Board.
Processing by Publications Committee
- The reviewed paper will be registered in the records of the publication committee and assigned a reference number. The editor – in – chief will record his/her comments on the manuscript and return it to the subject editor concerned through the publications committee.
- The subject editor will have the author/s concerned make the necessary revisions, submit the revised manuscript to the journal or the publishers identified and inform publications committee of this action.
- All costs relating to publications of refereed materials will be the responsibility of the author(s) and in mutual agreement with the PAID-WA where necessary.
- As soon as the decision of the publisher becomes known, the publications committee will communicate it to author.