Editorial Policy


Contemporary interest in providing problem-solving and decision-making experiences in development and other relevant issues have prompted a world-wide need for conducting scientific inquiries and promoting technically and validated information published in journals, periodicals, books, and newspapers among others.

PAID-WA Buea, as a key development actor in the West African sub-region is not exonerated from such a drift. It therefore, has as a prime concern the desire to extend frontiers of knowledge through the publication of scholarly, well investigated articles and books on innovative development issues. This is one of its a priori strategies by which it seeks to attain its mission in promoting sustainable development. Formulating a policy guideline therefore, is simply a diligent way of keeping to its avowed commitment as well as maintaining universally accepted principles and standards of writing and publishing scholarly articles in local and international journals, periodicals, magazines, books just to mention but these..


The Pan African Institute for Development – West Africa (PAID-WA), Buea will continue to perfect itself as a leading center of excellence in handling community-based development issues at the global, continental, regional, and local levels for the attainment of international development goals and initiatives.

Mission Statement

The mission of PAID-WA Journals is to strive to be a voice that articulates innovative development issues with a view to advance the intellectual and human resource capacity of West African sub region and the international community. This is due to the increasing role and importance of research and/for development in providing answers to growing and complex contemporary issues in the 21st century.


PAID-WA’s Publishing Policy has been instituted in order to support the organization to fulfill its mandate and seeks to meet the following objectives;

  • To guide members of PAID-WA community to publish refereed or peer-reviewed scientific papers, reporting observations and disseminating results of investigations that are original, significant, and in any field relevant to development.
  • To ensure high standards of writing, editing and production of publications consistent with the international status of PAID-WA.
  • To provide mechanisms for publishing PAID-WA’s accomplishments in research and capacity building, both for staff and students.
  • To promote general awareness and understanding of issues in social science research and practice vis – a - vis development disseminated through the publication of commentaries, policy briefs, review articles, books, and training materials.

Publications Audiences

PAID-WA recognizes the following audiences for information dissemination through its publications;

  • International Scientific community
  • Grassroots communities/community based organizations
  • Development actors
  • International agencies
  • Donors, Decision makers and Policy makers
  • Students of PAID-WA
  • The general public

Articles shall be judged to display the knowledge or opinion that one has on a given subject. They should be substantial enough to make it possible to analyze as much details as possible. Since the publication is meant to stimulate intellectual argument on development issues, feature articles written by one or several authors may be criticized by other persons who write what they feel about the themes dealt with and the solutions proposed. These criticisms are sent to the author/authors who respond to them if they deem it necessary.