Submission Procedure
Please follow the instructions to Authors carefully. Failure to follow these instructions may lead to delay in the review and subsequent publication of your manuscript.
If you require any assistance submitting a manuscript or creating/locating your account, please do not create second account but contact us by Email:
To submit your manuscript: Select Browse to locate your files. Select the file type from the pull-down menu. An initial submission of the main manuscript should be uploaded as either a .doc or .rtf file. All figures should be uploaded as separate files.
Select “Upload” to submit your files.
When an upload is complete, you will see a confirmation window asking for a description of the file. Please enter the relevant description of the file, e.g. Main Text, Figure 1, Table 1 etc. For other supporting files indicate clearly what the file is as well as its format (MS Excel, MS Word, etc.).
You can remove files and repeat the upload process at the File Upload screen, accessed by selecting Previous.
When you are satisfied with the uploaded manuscript select Submit. It is not until this button is pushed that the manuscript and all of the associated information (i.e., contributing authors, institutions, etc.) is linked together and the manuscript is given a manuscript number. Once the manuscript is submitted it is not possible to undo the submission unless you contact the Editorial Office.
After the manuscript has been submitted you will receive an e-mail confirmation stating that your manuscript was successfully submitted. This e-mail will also give the assigned manuscript number, which is used in all correspondence. If you do not receive this e-mail, your manuscript will not have been successfully submitted to the journal and the paper cannot progress to peer review. If this is the case, please return to the last screen of the submission process and check that you have completed all necessary tasks to submit.
If you return to your Author Centre, you will notice that your newly submitted manuscript can be found in the Submitted Manuscripts area. Among the information listed there, the Processing Status section provides information on the status of your manuscript as it moves through the review process.
Review Procedure
Before submission for publication, all refereed publications will be reviewed internally according to the following procedure:
- On receipt of the manuscript from the author the publications committee will evaluate its suitability for publication and have it reviewed by one or two subject editors. The manuscript will also be referred for language editing and writing style by the editorial board.
- The author will revise the manuscript, incorporating the reviewer’s and Editorial Board comments where necessary, and submit the revised manuscript to the publications committee.
- The publications committee will forward the revised copy to the Editorial Board.
- The Editorial Board will assign a peer reviewer who will review and send back to the Editorial Board.
Submitting a Revised Manuscript
Log on to the submission link as before and enter your Author Center. Access your manuscript by selecting its title in the “Manuscripts to be Revised” section of the Author Centre.
Upload your revised manuscript using the File Manager screen. It is essential that you upload your revised manuscript as a .doc .rtf or .ps file. PDF files cannot be used for production.
Processing by Publications Committee
- The reviewed paper will be registered in the records of the publication committee and assigned a reference number. The editor - in - chief will record his/her comments on the manuscript and return it to the subject editor concerned through the publications committee.
- The subject editor will have the author/s concerned make the necessary revisions, submit the revised manuscript to the journal or the publishers identified and inform publications committee of this action.
- All costs relating to publications of refereed materials will be the responsibility of the author(s) and in mutual agreement with the NDAD where necessary.
- As soon as the decision of the publisher becomes known, the publications committee will communicate it to author.
If your paper goes on to be accepted, your images will be be submitted in Adobe Photoshop compatible formats, preferably .tif, or alternatively .eps or .jpg, and saved as separate files, not embedded in the text file. If submitting line drawings which require reduction, please check that the lettering will be clearly legible after the drawing has been reduced to the size at which it will be printed. After reduction, letters should not be smaller than 1.5 mm in height. Please note that publication of your manuscript will not proceed until figures suitable for reproduction are received.